Alan Kwan discovered his passion for video production after having spent most of his career as a web developer. He has been honing his craft producing web videos, from preproduction all the way through postproduction and delivery. He started filming using a camcorder and editing in iMovie and now has progressed to filming with a digital SLR camera and editing with Final Cut Pro and/or Adobe Premiere Pro.

While formally trained in computer science, Alan also has a Master of Professional Studies degree in Digital Media, with a concentration in video. While Digital Media studies have provided a good foundation, the experience he gained from practice, producing his own online web shows and encoding video at WGBH was more fulfilling and invaluable. His “hands-on” approach has been an asset in furthering his education as he constantly finds that he’s learning something new everyday.

Alan is a jack-of-all-trades video producer; he is frequently involved in the many different facets of video production. He also has been volunteering for the Boston Asian American Film Festival for the past few years as their Director of Production–producing, filming, and editing of marketing videos, festival events, and interviews with various filmmakers.  In addition, he also runs the YouTube channel, ABCcubed TV, producing podcasts, a cooking show, and various other videos. Alan is always exploring new ideas for video projects, and in his spare time, you may also catch him working on wedding videos and event highlight reels.